Eco days of February: 2 World Wetland Day | 16 World Whale Day | 28 Natl Science Day
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Eco days of February: 2 World Wetland Day | 16 World Whale Day | 28 Natl Science Day
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Achari Kunta Lake Rejuvenation Project update: The project was scheduled to commence in April 2020 and conclude by Sep 2021. However, due to various factors, the project activities were impacted, causing a delay in further implementation works. We completed the plantation of 5000 saplings with help of laborers, DCB employees, and community volunteers. Altogether around 133 volunteers joined in a clean-up drive and plantation activities. We planted 210 trees, 2105 shrubs, and 2685 herbs. A total of 5000 species of plants were planted. Plantation works have been completed at the project site with the installation of a drip irrigation system. In the previous records, 26 species of birds and 19 species of butterflies were recorded. To assess the diversity, we conducted a biodiversity survey which revealed that the lake comprises about a total of 43 species of birds, 30 species of Butterflies, recorded so far at Achari Kunta Lake. As the rejuvenating activities were initiated, more 16 species of birds, 23 species of Insects with an addition of 5 Reptiles, 2 Amphibians, and 1 Mammal were recorded, indicated it as the formation of a healthy ecosystem.
We conducted an Employee volunteering activity for Standard Chartered Bank employees at our SGNP reforestation site. A group of 8 passionate volunteers joined us for the event. The Volunteers did Tree guard installation and mulching activities. They added coconut chips mulch to all our plants in one large fence (pollinator zone) and also to 70 individual trees and helped us install 15 tree guards in a span of 4 hours.
Mulching will retain water for our plants for a long time and tree guards will offer protection to our trees.
We did mulching and tree guard work with help of Standard Chartered India Bank corporate volunteers. They developed 22 tree guards and mulched our plants. mulching helps protect the plant and the area near its roots to retain moisture at times of high heat. And tree guards are installed to prevent the sapling from the dangers of animals.
Our founder, Dr. V Shubhalaxmi assisted a lake safari event at our Achari Kunta lake rejuvenation site in Nazempet, Hyderabad, during her visit in the last week of November. With that, we also neared the conclusion of the lake project which was funded by DCB Bank.
A bird survey was conducted by Mr. Gowthama to examine how many new species are using our lake site. And how many new species is the lake now harboring? It is showing positive signs as many rare bird species were witnessed and photographed during the survey.
A total of 34 species were sighted that day with the highlights of the survey being two species-
1)Blue Rock-Thrush (Monticola solitarius)
2)Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)
1 enthusiastic volunteer joined us and helped us in making 4 tree guards and ring weeding activity. She helped make 4 tree guards for our young and small-sized saplings, which will protect them from external pressures from cattle, humans, etc., and promote their growth.
A group of 5 enthusiastic volunteers joined us for the Tree guard making, Deweeding, Seed dibbling and Mulching activity. The Volunteers worked efficiently and, They made 7 tree guards which will provide protection to our plants, sowed 150+ fever nut seeds and added mulch to our existing saplings in a span of two hours.
A group of 20 plus community volunteers gathered at the lake creating Floating wetlands. They developed five floaters which were released into the lake. This is how we kickstarting our wildlife week celebrations.
For the celebration of the same we had organized a ringweeding activity on 3rd October 2021. The benefit of ringweeding activity is that it helps in enhancing the growth of the saplings planted. The volunteers were provided with the essential materials required for the ringweeding activity like Gloves, gardening tools etc. All the caretakers guided the volunteers during the activity. 13 enthusiastic volunteers had joined us for the activity which included 5 DCB bank employees and 8 Community volunteers. They did ringweeding for 65 saplings and added compost to 15 saplings.
We celebrated Wildlife week at Sanjay Gandhi National park, Khindipada region by organizing a volunteering event. We conducted a plantation drive, and installed Tree Guards. This activity was led by Ms. Priti Choghale & Suhas Gosavi with SGNP caretakers. 33 volunteers joined us which included DCB Bank employees as well as community volunteers. They planted 50 trees as canopy plugs and 25 shrubs in two pollinator zones. They watered the plants from the nearby streams.
We celebrated Wildlife week at Ambivli Biodiversity Park by organizing a volunteering event.
This activity was led by Mr. Santosh Nishad and Ambivli caretakers team .A group of 14 volunteers joined us, which included DCB Bank employees and community volunteers. They helped in in planting 100 plus saplings in the thematic zones of the Biodiversity park.
Today we successfully conducted yet another activity 'Tree Tagging and Seed Dibbling' this time at SGNP,(Mulund Range) Khindipada, and we will be continuing the same for the coming weekends this month.
A total of 11 eager and enthusiatic volunteers joined us for the event. The Volunteers did a phenomenal job by tagging 220+ tree sapling
Today we successfully conducted yet another activity 'Tree Tagging and Seed Dibbling' this time at SGNP,(Mulund Range) Khindipada, and we will be continuing the same for the coming weekends this month.
A total of 11 eager and enthusiatic volunteers joined us for the event. The Volunteers did a phenomenal job by tagging 220+ tree saplings planted by us in 2 hours, which will futher help us in digitizing our plants.
They also sowed fever nut seeds throughout selective points at our site. We were also joined by Seema Muralidhara who took shots for the documentary film that is being produced for our project.
The volunteers liked this part of the event too!
We are thankful to all our volunteers who came and contributed, this work wouldn't have been done without you all!
Ringweeding: For our tree saplings to grow this is a necessary exercise to remove all the unwanted weeds/grasses some of which are invasive, from the sapling's surroundings. Weeds generally cover the whole landscape after the onset of monsoon and restrict native plant growth. Ringweeding is normally carried out to prevent weed competitio
Ringweeding: For our tree saplings to grow this is a necessary exercise to remove all the unwanted weeds/grasses some of which are invasive, from the sapling's surroundings. Weeds generally cover the whole landscape after the onset of monsoon and restrict native plant growth. Ringweeding is normally carried out to prevent weed competition with the plant.
In this method the Volunteers remove the obnoxious weeds growing around our trees by their hands. Pulling out vegetation in a ring or a circle is recommended.
· On the occasion of the Moth Week we conducted a mothing event to study the moths at the site on 5th September 2021 and to spread awareness about them. We had set up a light trap at the Hyde Park as electricity was not available at site. 23 enthusiastic participants had joined us for the 'Mothing Event' on the rainy evening. It include
· On the occasion of the Moth Week we conducted a mothing event to study the moths at the site on 5th September 2021 and to spread awareness about them. We had set up a light trap at the Hyde Park as electricity was not available at site. 23 enthusiastic participants had joined us for the 'Mothing Event' on the rainy evening. It included people of all age groups. Curious young children also participated and were keen to learn more about the fascinating moths. Moths too came and congregated on the white sheet, getting attracted to mercury vapour lamp. Dr. V. Shubhalaxmi started the programme with a brief introduction and later introducing children to the secret world of moths. She then shared information about the lifecycles, habits, habitats, importance, and some interesting facts about the moths which started appearing on the white sheet. We're confident that the participants would have surely developed an affinity and genuine appreciation for moths after the session.
KDMC Commissioner paid a visit to our project site to check the status of biodiversity park works. We informed him of the completion of Plantation and that maintenance works are one. We installed thematic zone signages prior to his visit so that he could see how the entire area is getting developed into Astral Garden, Bat Garden, Butt
KDMC Commissioner paid a visit to our project site to check the status of biodiversity park works. We informed him of the completion of Plantation and that maintenance works are one. We installed thematic zone signages prior to his visit so that he could see how the entire area is getting developed into Astral Garden, Bat Garden, Butterfly Garden, Medicinal Garden and Bird Garden. He was impressed with our work. He felicitated our chairman Shri Isaac Kehimkar.
Achari Kunta Lake Rejuvenation Project update:
The project was scheduled to commence in April 2020 and conclude by Sep 2021. However, due to various factors, the project activities were impacted, causing a delay in further implementation works.
We completed the plantation of 5000 saplings with help of laborers, DCB employees, and communit
Achari Kunta Lake Rejuvenation Project update:
The project was scheduled to commence in April 2020 and conclude by Sep 2021. However, due to various factors, the project activities were impacted, causing a delay in further implementation works.
We completed the plantation of 5000 saplings with help of laborers, DCB employees, and community volunteers. Altogether around 133 volunteers joined in a clean-up drive and plantation activities. We planted 210 trees, 2105 shrubs, and 2685 herbs. A total of 5000 species of plants were planted. Plantation works have been completed at the project site with the installation of a drip irrigation system. In the previous records, 26 species of birds and 19 species of butterflies were recorded. To assess the diversity, we conducted a biodiversity survey which revealed that the lake comprises about a total of 43 species of birds, 30 species of Butterflies, recorded so far at Achari Kunta Lake. As the rejuvenating activities were initiated, more 16 species of birds, 23 species of Insects with an addition of 5 Reptiles, 2 Amphibians, and 1 Mammal were recorded, indicated it as the formation of a healthy ecosystem.
Pathway development was done at Ambivli Biodiversity Park, kalyan on 18th September 2021
We had a deweeding event at achari kunta lake hyderabad.a A lot of unwanted grass and weeds were removed from the surface and the goal of achieveing clean space was completed.
We successfully conducted a tree tagging event on a sunny Sunday morning. The volunteers turned out to be in great numbers and worked with zeal. A total of 16 volunteers joined us on Friendship day! Volunteers indeed have an amazing contribution/influence on our organization's mission.
We are thankful to all our community volunteers who came and did the hard work
P.S: We tagged 460+ trees in less than two hours
Blooms of Achari Kunta Lake: We planted birds, bees, butterflies and bats attracting plants around the Achari Kunta Lake. In a month’s time the plantation is in full bloom. Thanks the sandy soil and dry weather, the plants are blooming profusely. This lake suffered so many hurdles in getting rejuvenated but when it did, the lake and its biodiversity has supported it wholeheartedly. Our caretakers Ram & Maniamma regularly tend the plants with tender care. Everybody is happy; birds, bees, butterflies, bats and we too
A painting competition was organised on the banks of Achari Kunta Lake on the occasion of Independence Day. Over 60 students participated in the event which was conducted on 14-15 August. This was organised by our local partner Prahari Trust and our newly appointed Lake Warden Shri Ram Krishna Kumar. Participants received their certificates. This is first community event that has been organised.
With the dewdrop of rains dwelling on the denuded hills of Taloja at Kharghar, our Project Intern: Ved conducted a Herpeto-fauna survey on 26th July 2021. Although Monsoon is perceived as an emergence of the hidden jewels in the thickets or lands, it is very challenging to conduct surveys on the hill during this month. With a preconceived notion about the sightings of the species, but to our surprise, Ved surpassed all the expectations and got some lifers while surveying. He witnessed that Reforestation is increasing the abundance of species and the exemplary correlation between forest and wildlife. The sighting he observed are as follows:
1. Lined Supple Skink
2. Forester Moth
3. Checkered Keelback
4. Brook's Gecko
5. Skittering Frog Tadpoles
6. Common Indian Toad
7. Burrowing Frog
8. Plain Tiger
9. Glassy Tiger
10. Arachnids!
Join Dr.Shubha to learn about becoming a citizen scientist. Also how you could contribute to science during this National Moth Week.
Learn from Moth Lady on how to rear moth caterpillars and how to document their life histories
This is our third session in celebrating National Moth Week. Learn about Mothing from Moth lady
During this session, she enlighted the audience about the enthralling world of Moths. Their appearance, differentiation from butterflies, survival tactics, methods to study and documentation of these critters. She also raised a question even after serving abundant ecosystem services, why are they ignored and why there is a need for conservation of these species. She also motivated young nature enthusiasts to actively participate in this NMW 2021 and encouraged them to document and record the species "Moths" that get lured and wander around their balcony light.
We are just one step away from Beautifying Achari Kunta Lake. On 5th of July. We finally started our plantation drive at Achari Kunta Lake, Hyderabad. It was a very long awaited event that was on hold due to ongoing pandemic and cyclones in Telangana. Despite the havoc, we stood strong and finally managed to start our very first plantation drive at Achari Kunta. MLA, Mayor, Commissioner and Local Partner Prahari Trust Members, Community members and iNaturewatch Foundation and knowledge partner Ladybird Environmental Consulting- LEC Team Members inaugurated the event by planting 3 saplings each of native tree species: Kadamba, Indian Ber and Yellow Champa into the pre-dug pits. It was a successful event and motivated many community members to taken up action and support us for Rejuvenating the Achari Kunta Lake.
While working at Achari Kunta Hyderabad. We went on rescue missions to help some stray pups suffering from starvation and ligament tear due to accident or inadequate food. It takes more than an ounce to take action and feed this voiceless pups who live in this cruelty world happily while suffering to co-exist with us. Why not lend some hand in co-existing with these strays and give them a better lif
Tree Tagging and Counting Event
We organised a Tree Tagging and Counting event at SGNP, Mulund Range on the occasion of World Environment Day with the help of the Borivli Forest Department. Volunteers did an amazing job by counting the number of trees present in each plot and tagging them accordingly.
Seed Dibbling Event
We organised a Seed Dibbling Event at Taloja Hill, Kharghar on the occasion of World Environment Day with the help of the Panvel Forest Department. Volunteers enthusiastically planted seeds of the Karanj / Pongam tree along the stream that flows down the hill.
Clean-up Drive Event
We organised a Clean-up Drive Event at Achari Kunta Lake, Hyderabad on the occasion of World Environment Day with the help of the Prahari Trust. Volunteers did an excellent job by cleaning up the surroundings of the lake that was polluted with plastic and other solid waste. Waste collected from the lake was nearly 12 bags of large trash-collecting bags with each bag carrying nearly 15 kgs of solid and plastic waste.
We kickstarted our Plantation Drive at Ambivli, KDMC, Thane with the help of KDMC Commissioner Dr Vijay Suryavanshi.
We kickstarted our very first Plantation Drive at Taloja Hill Watershed, Kharghar. Volunteers flock to the Taloja Hills for Afforestation. Marching uphill along with the coconut shell-line paths, volunteers planted the saplings of Asan, Babool, and Jamun into the pre-dug pits and trenches with the help of gardening tools provided to them priorly.
We conducted another Plantation drive at Taloja Hill, Kharghar and we will be continuing the same for the coming weekends. Volunteers as green warriors marched upon the hill with manure mix in one hand and saplings in another. With the help of volunteers, we planted saplings of Jambool, Red silk cotton, and Dalbergia latifolia. We planted around more than100 saplings.
We kickstarted our very first Plantation Drive at SGNP Mulund Range, Khindipada. With the help of volunteers, we planted grass species inside the palmyra rings. Soil enrichment was done before the plantation event and gardening tools provided to them.
With support from community members,forest department, funding agency, knowledge partners, labours, caretakers and of course our volunteers, we kickstarted our Plantation drive at SGNP, Khindipada for building Canopy plugs through Assisted Natural methods. We planted 1887 native species into pre-dug pits and trenches and successfully completed our Plantation activity.
National Moth Week 2021 is here and we at iNaturewatch Foundation already started celebrating. Our moth lady Dr Shubhalaxmi Vayulure was invited as a guest lecturer at Symbiosis College Pune and conducted a virtual conference on "Denizens of Dark Dynasty" - Moths and why it is important to conserve these species as very little is known about them to the world. Over 130 participants attended this event and were are enthusiastic to register for NMW 2021.
In Baatchit Session 3, Shri Isaac Kehimkar, Chairman & Director, iNaturewatch Foundation, An Indian Naturalist, talked about Butterfly Gardening and addressed the Maharashtra Circle, staff's questions on Butterfly watching and Maintaining a butterfly garden. Kaiya Arora, Director Postal Services(HQ), Maharashtra Circle interviewed the session.
At the Taloja Hill Forest project site, our overzealous caretakers went on a seed collection drive in the neighbouring forest. During this drive, they collected seeds of Red Silk Cotton, Asan, Rosewood, Giant Milkweed and Gunj.
Our course participants of Birds for Beginners learned about the Garden Birds from Dr Ketki Marthak.
Our course participants of Bugs for Beginners learned about insect groups from Dr V Shubhalaxmi.
Our Birds for Beginners online course participants learned about forest birds, their adaptations and tips on how to identify them.
We kick started our new batches for the online courses on wildlife, Bugs for Beginners & Birds for Beginners with the course orientation session wherein the participants interacted with Dr. V Shubhalaxmi and got introduced to the course platform, project work and online assignments.
We organized community volunteering event at our project site at Taloja Hill forest. The volunteers developed the pathway by lining them with coconut shells. This demarcation helps visitors to limit their movement to established trails and avoid trampling of natural areas.
We kick start our celebrations with a live session with our rescue cats who are now our pets. We encouraged our viewers to do the same with their pets and bring them in limelight duirng the fortnight.
As part of the Animal Welfare Fortnight we invited Ms. Sabah Patankar who is an adoption specialist to narrate her experience in getting stray cats adopted. It was an inspiring session which encouraged more and more people to give a thought about adopting indies.
This is part of our Animal Welfare Fortnight celebrations. This is our second webinar during the week. Our guest for the session was Raj Maru. He is the Co-Founder of United For the Unheard. He has been Vegan since 3 years and volunteering as a grassroot activist more than a year. He shared his journey of veganism which was inspiring for would be vegans.
Our community volunteers helped in making seed balls for our forest nursery at the Taloja Hill Fores project site. They made 300 seed balls which were placed in seedling tray. We will transplant them in sapling bags once they germinate.
This was our last online session in celebrating Animal Welfare Fortnight. We had Mr Nilesh Bhanage from PAWS who shared his experience on rescuing and rehabilitation of stray animals. He also shared tips on how common citizen could help the stray animals of their locality.
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